North Dakota Land Ownership Coverage
Our parcel coverage map lets you know at a glance which states and counties we have private land owner data for in our products. Due to differing state regulations and availability of data, we currently do not have complete coverage for every state and county. However, if a state or county makes the parcel data available, we make every effort to include it in future updates.
Note: The purpose of this map is to depict private land parcel coverage. Public land and other map layer coverage is statewide. Please note that there may be parts of some counties that do not have coverage or have unknown private landowner names.
North Dakota Hunting Map Layers

ND Private Lands
Over 380,000 parcels mapped by the onX team, this layer helps you know who the property owners are in North Dakota. Tap any parcel to learn more info about the owner and acreage.

ND Gov Lands
onX has the most accurate maps of Gov Lands, covering over 4,400,000 acres in North Dakota. Not all Gov Lands offer access opportunities, check regulations before recreating.

ND Possible Access
onX has mapped 16,000 acres of possible access lands in North Dakota including timber and land conservation groups. Research rules on these private lands before recreating.

North Dakota Game Management Units. Please hunt responsibly, obey all signage and have a safe legal hunt.
Includes 16 Sublayers
- Bighorn Sheep Hunt Units
- Bobcat Hunt Units
- Deer Hunt Units
- Elk Hunt Units
- Fisher Hunt Units
- Goose Hunt Zones
- Moose Hunt Units
- Mountain Lion Hunt Units
- Non-Residential Waterfowl Hunt Units
- Pheasant Hunt Zone
- Pronghorn Hunt Units
- Ruffed Grouse Hunt Units
- Sharp-tailed Grouse Hunt Units
- Sandhill Crane Hunt Units
- Turkey (Fall) Hunt Units
- Turkey (Spring) Hunt Units

The North Dakota Game and Fish Department Private Land Open to Sportsmen. All hunters are expected to know the rules of the program.

ND Species Range and Habitat
North Dakota Various Species Range and Habitat locations
Includes 10 Sublayers
- Bighorn Sheep
- Elk
- Greater Prairie Chicken
- Moose
- Mountain Lion
- Mule Deer
- Pronghorn
- Sage Grouse
- Turkey
- Whitetail Deer

ND Electronically Posted Land
ND Electronically Posted Land, Land that has been posted by land owner as No Hunting. Land can still be posted with signs on the ground so double check when at the location.
App Overview

Increase success as you layer hunting units, waterfowl production areas, private property and more over aerial imagery, and topographic basemaps, for the most accurate map on mobile device and desktop.
See invisible property lines and seek permission with detailed private and government property boundaries and ownership names.
View trails, roads and accesses to narrow the hunt and always know where you stand.
- Landowner names & boundaries
- Satellite imagery with topo lines
- Offline maps
- Sync mobile and computer
- GPS, waypoints, tracks, and markups
- Color-coded public lands
- State-specific map layers
- Roads & trails
- Hunting zones, units, districts and areas
- Search by landowner, places or coordinates
- Mark and measure areas
onX Membership Overview
Map details
- Private landowner names, boundaries, and tax address
- Government lands—federal, state, county, local and non-profit
- Private Lands Open To Sportsmen (PLOTS)
- 2020-21 Elk, Pronghorn, Deer Hunting Units
- Wilderness areas
- Roads, trails and trailhead names and numbers
- Point of interests—geographic and recreational
- Water—rivers, creeks and lakes with flow direction
- Weather and radar
- Campgrounds
- 24K topo
- Section lines and numbers
- Fishing access locations and boat ramps
- Recreation sites
- National Park visitor maps
- Historic wildfire perimeters
- Active fires
- Possible access lands
- Much more
onX Hunt prides itself in offering a multi-platform mapping system. Hunt App works on iOS and Android mobile phones as well as provides access to our mapping solutions from your computer.
Map updates
As land ownership, hunting areas, and other map data change we update the map data on our servers. This new map data will automatically be loaded to your Hunt App without you having to do anything.
onX Hunt GPS Chip
Important announcement regarding the onX Hunt Chip
Effective immediately, the onX Hunt Chip for 29 of the 50 U.S. states will no longer be available for purchase. The final 21 states will still be available for purchase through Dec. 31, 2022. Click “Learn More” below to find out when the onX Hunt Chip will be discontinued for this state.
Chip Updates
Version 21.0 Released on: Aug 25, 2021
- Updated parcel ownership in the following counties: Barnes, Bottineau, Bowman, Burke, Burleigh, Cass, Cavalier, Dickey, Divide, Emmons, Golden Valley, Grand Forks, Hettinger, LaMoure, McHenry, McKenzie, McLean, Mercer, Morton, Mountrail, Nelson, Pierce, Ramsey, Ransom, Richland, Rolette, Sargent, Sioux, Slope, Stark, Steele, Stutsman, Traill, Walsh, Ward, Williams
- Updated Elk, Pronghorn, Deer Hunting Units to 2021-22
- Updated Private Lands Open To Sportsmen (PLOTS) *current as of Aug. 25, 2021
Version 20.1 Released on: Nov 17, 2020
- Updated Elk, Pronghorn, Deer Hunting Units to match 2020 Hunting Regulations.
Version 20.0 Released on: Jan 20, 2020
- Updated land ownership statewide
- Updated Private Lands Open To Sportsmen (PLOTS) *current as of Jan 16, 2020
Version 19.0 Released on: Sep 12, 2019
- Updated Elk, Pronghorn, Deer Hunting Units to 2019-20
- Updated Private Lands Open To Sportsmen (PLOTS) *current as of Sep 9, 2019
Version 18.0 Released on: Oct 10, 2018
- Added parcel data in the following county: Walsh
- Updated Elk, Pronghorn, Deer Hunting Units to 2018-19
- Updated Private Lands Open To Sportsmen (PLOTS) *current as of Sept. 5, 2018
- Added additional data to the North Country National Scenic Trail
- Added shooting ranges throughout the state
Version 17.0 Released on: Aug 1, 2017
- Updated Elk, Pronghorn, and Deer Hunting Units to 2017-18 regulations
- Updated Private Lands Open To Sportsmen (PLOTS) to 2017 season
Version 16.0 Released on: Sep 30, 2016
- Updated land ownership statewide
- Added parcel data to the following counties: Barnes, Dickey (partial), Grant (partial), Hettinger (partial), Lamoure, McIntosh (partial), McLean, Mercer, Oliver, Pierce (partial), Ransom (partial), Sargent (partial), Sheridan (partial), Sioux, Steele,
- Updated Private Lands Open To Sportsmen (PLOTS)
- Updated Hunting Units to 2016-2017
- Updated FAA data
- Updated transportation network to include more USFWS-sourced roads