Known For
Georgia is known for its exceptional hunting opportunities for deer, turkey, and hogs. Include quail and the state is a southern hunter’s paradise. Georgia also has very generous whitetail limits, with hunters being allowed to harvest up to 10 antlerless and two antlered deer each season.
Georgia has five distinct geographic regions, ranging from mountains in the northern part of the state to coastal plains on the eastern side. In between are many hills and valleys interspersed with deciduous forests and coniferous plantations.

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Georgia Hunting Seasons
*Buck only for the first two weeks (Sept. 9-24) in Baker, Decatur, Early, Grady, Miller, Mitchell, Thomas, and Seminole Counties.
Primitive Weapons & Youth-Only Firearms, Either Sex Statewide
6 Per Day
5 Per Day
5 Per day
5 Per Day
Georgia Hunting Regulations
Bag Limit
Georgia’s alligator hunting season has been designated as a quota hunt where a limited num- ber of hunters are allowed to harvest one alligator (of 48 inches or greater length) each from a specified hunt zone. This allows the Department to closely monitor the number of animals harvested.
Bag Limit
Two bears per season, however, only one bear may be taken from the Central or Southern Zone.
Big Game
Crossbows, longbows, recurve bows, and compound bows are allowed for hunting any game or feral hog. Arrows for hunting deer, bear or feral hog must be broadhead type. Draw weight, let-off, arrow-length, and sights are not restricted.
Primitive Weapons
Archery equipment, air bows, .30-cal. or larger air rifles and muzzleloaders or muzzeleloading shotguns are legal during primitive weapons season. Scopes are legal.Statewide, excluding archery-only counties. Scopes are legal. Air rifles of .30 cal or larger and air bows are legal. During the statewide primitive weapons deer season and WMA primitive weapons hunts, youth under 16 years of age may hunt deer with any legal deer firearm.
Primitive weapons hunters may not possess any centerfire or rimfire firearm while hunting during the primitive weapons season, unless the person possesses a valid Weapons Carry License in this state (pursuant to OCGA §§ 16-11-126(f) or 16-11-129), subject to the limita- tions (OCGA §§ 16-11-126 and 16-11-127).
• Modern Rifles and Handguns: Centerfire only, .22-cal. or larger with expanding bullets. There is no restriction on magazine capacity for rifles.
• Shotguns: 20-gauge or larger loaded with slugs or buckshot.
• Muzzleloaders: .30-cal. or larger, or muzzle- loading shotguns 20 gauge or larger. Scopes are legal.
• Air Guns: Any air rifle of at least .30 caliber or air bow utilizing unignited compressed gas or air is legal during primitive weapons and firearms seasons.F
Hunter Orange Requirements
A hunter, and anyone accompanying the hunter, must wear as an outer garment at least 500 square inches of daylight fluorescent orange above the waist (which may include a head covering) when hunting:
• deer during the primitive weapons or fire- arms deer season
• bear during the primitive weapons or firearms
bear seasons ACTIVITIES
• feral hogs during firearms deer or bear seasons
Hunter orange is required during primitive weapons and firearms hunts for deer, bear, and special opportunity coyote and feral hog hunts on WMAs and federal lands. Hunter orange is not required on WMA or Corps of Engineers tracts designated “archery- only”, nor during archery deer hunts held on a WMA during the statewide primitive weapons or firearms seasons (unless otherwise indicated). Hunter orange is required on WMA small game hunts that are concurrent with firearms deer or bear hunts.
Dog Hunting
Hunting deer with dogs is by permit only. Deer may be hunted with dogs only during authorized seasons and areas. Hunting deer with dogs is allowed on leased properties of at least 1,000 contiguous acres or privately-owned properties of at least 250 acres that are permitted by DNR. Permits are specific to only one piece of property and only one permit application per property should be submitted. Applications for a permit must be received at least 30 days prior to hunting deer with dogs. Applications are available at gadnrle.org/special-permits. The permit number must be clearly marked on all dogs and all vehicles being used during the hunt. Call (770) 918-6408 for specific rules and regulations.
Bag Limit
12 per season, Statewide. See Deer Seasons and Either-Sex Days for either sex days. No more than 10 may be antlerless and no more than 2 may be antlered. One of the 2 antlered deer must have at least 4 points, one inch or longer, on one side of the antlers or at least a 15-inch outside spread.
Migratory Birds
Crows – Bag Limit
No limit
Eurasian Collared Doves – Bag limit
May be taken at any time; no limit.
Common Snipe – Bag Limit
8 per day
24 in possession
Woodcock – Bag Limit
3 per day
9 in possession
Mourning Doves – Bag Limit
15 per day
45 in possession
Small Game
Squirrel – Bag Limit
12 per day
Fox – Bag Limit
No Limit
Bobcat – Bag Limit
No Limit
Grouse – Bag Limit
3 per day
Quail – Bag Limit
12 per day
Rabbit – Bag Limit
12 per day
Opossum – Bag Limit
No Limit
Raccoon – Bag Limit
No Limit
Bag Limit
State wide bag limit is 2. Bag limit is statewide limit except that no more than one (1) gobbler per season may be taken per a single WMA, department-managed land, or National Forest lands outside of WMAs unless otherwise noted in the specific area listing.
Check your Turkey
All turkey hunters are required to have a Harvest Record for the current season. Additionally, harvested turkeys must be reported through Georgia Game Check within 24 hours
Duck – Bag Limit
6 per day
18 in possession See Species Limits
Species Specific Duck Limits
- Black or Mottled Duck 1 per day 3 in possession (total for both species)
- Canvasback 2 per day 6 in possession
- Fulvous Whistling Duck 1 per day 3 in possession
- Harlequin Ducks Closed Season
- Mallards 2 per day (only 1 may be a hen) 6 in possession (only 3 may be hens)
- Pintail 1 per day 3 in possession
- Redheads 2 per day 6 in possession
- Scaup 1 per day 3 in possession
- Wood Ducks 3 per day 9 in possession
Teal – Bag Limit
6 per day
18 in possession
Gallinules – Bag Limit
15 per day
45 in possession
Canada Geese – Bag Limit
5 per day
15 in possession
Mergansers – Bag Limit
5 per day
15 in possession
Sea Ducks (Scoters, Eiders, Long-Tailed Ducks) – Bag Limit
4 per day
12 in possession Must include no more than:
Eiders 3 per day only one may be a hen
Long-Tailed Duck 3 per day
Scoters 3 per day
Snow and White-fronted Geese – Bag Limit
5 per day
15 in possession
Sora and Rails – Bag Limit
King & Clapper: 15 per day
45 in possession
Sora and Virginia: 25 per day
75 in possession
Non-Toxic Shot
Any 10-gauge or smaller loaded with federally approved nontoxic shot of size “F” or smaller. No lead shot may be in possession while hunting waterfowl.
Plugged Shotguns
For hunting migratory game birds, shotguns shall be limited to a capacity of not more than 3 shells in the magazine and chamber combined. If a plug is necessary to so limit the capacity, the plug shall be of 1 piece and incapable of being removed from the loading end of the magazine.
Any 10-gauge or smaller loaded with federally approved nontoxic shot of size “F” or smaller. Lead shot may not be in possession while hunting waterfowl.
Coots – Bag Limit
15 per day
45 in possession
*Season dates and regulation data provided by
Georgia Licenses, Permits and Regulations
Georgia hunting licenses, permits, and regulations for resident and non-resident hunters can be purchased on the Georgia Department of Natural Resources website. Click below to view the website.
Hunting GPS Maps
Every Georgia hunter should have hunting GPS maps on hand. Georgia hunting maps are available from onX Hunt. With a paid membership you can access Satellite, Topo, or Hybrid Basemaps, over which you can view maps of hunting zones, along with State, Forest Service, and other public and private property boundaries. You can view trails and roads, and even download maps to the Hunt App for use offline. Click below to get onX Hunt for Georgia.
Hunting Zones
Georgia’s hunting zones are denoted by color-coded regions: Yellow, Orange, Green, Magenta, Cyan, and Gray. For hunters looking for dense deer populations in the state look toward the Upper Coastal Plain and Piedmont areas. Click below to view Georgia’s hunting zones in more detail through an interactive map.
Hunting Layers

GA Private Lands
Over 4,000,000 parcels mapped by the onX team, this layer helps you know who the property owners are in Georgia. Tap any parcel to learn more info about the owner and acreage.

GA Gov Lands
onX has the most accurate maps of Gov Lands, covering over 3,400,000 acres in Georgia. Not all Gov Lands offer access opportunities, check regulations before recreating.

GA Possible Access
onX has mapped 2,700,000 acres of possible access lands in Georgia including timber companies and land conservation groups. Research rules on these private lands before recreating.

GA Management Areas
Georgia Management Regions along with Black Bear, and Alligator Management Areas
Includes 3 Sublayers
- GA Deer Seasons and Either Sex Days
- Black Bear Management Units
- Alligator Management Units

GA Voluntary Public Access
Georgia Voluntary Public Access Lands

The #1 GPS Hunting App
- 975 million acres of public land
- 10,668 unique hunting units
- 421 map overlays and counting
- 5,000 game wardens approve