Explore the past, present, and future of African American dog handlers on quail plantations in the Deep South through the eyes of an up-and-coming dog trainer and advocate for inclusion in the outdoors.

“This film has been monumental for me because the film invites viewers into a niche community of historic African bird dog handlers whose collective history and impacts on the foundations of bird dog development and tradition were previously ignored. It highlights the importance of our unique tradition and cultural position that’s been deeply threaded into the fabric of American bird dog history.”
Durrell Smith
Narrator / The Gun Dog Notebook

Land, Ltd.
“A film that told its own story from the moment we arrived to the moment we left, ‘Dogmen’ captivated our team through the entire production process. With every day spent on location, we found ourselves deeper in awe of the heritage, history, and passion that the men who cultivate the existence of southern bird dog handling bring to their lives and those around them. The friendships we’ve built, emotions we’ve felt, and education we’ve received through this has changed our lives forever.”

“I am drawn, as many writers are, to stories that are just begging to be told. Durrell’s work in uncovering the history of African American dog handlers in the South has exposed an incredibly rich and fascinating narrative, and bringing this story to life in such a beautifully shot and passionately narrated way has been an emotionally moving experience. We’re proud to send this story out into the world.”
Christian Fichtel
Writer and Director / onX