Jason Matzinger
Jason Matzinger is an award winning film & television producer and Host of the popular tv show, Into High Country on the Sportsman Channel. Jason was born & raised in Montana and is a lifetime member of the RMEF & MDF. Jason works alongside the RMEF & MDF to bring you Elk Country Chronicles, This IS Hunting, Hunting IS Conservation, #PROJECTELK, Icon of The West and coming soon, #PROJECTMULEDEER. Jason’s latest film, ‘This IS Hunting’ is breaking new ground by utilizing all natural audio to tell the story rather than hunter dialogue and has had an overwhelming response!
onX: What was one defining moment for you, when onX Hunt helped your hunt?
JM: On a Montana mountain lion hunt we ended up miles back in the woods chasing this cat. When we got done we needed to either pack the lion out 10 miles or get permission from landowners below us. After pulling up the app I was able to get three different names and started calling until I found someone not only willing to let us cross his property to the road 1⁄4 mile below us, but he thanked us for looking after the lions around his house.
What is your favorite species to hunt? Why?
That’s a tough question… I love elk hunting during the rut about as much as anything, but that being said I love hunting bears in the Spring, Elk in September, Mule Deer in November, and lions all Winter.
Who were your biggest inspirations in hunting (personal and industry)?
My Father Tim, without a doubt, was my biggest inspiration growing up in more ways than just hunting, he was my hero and still is. As far as in the industry goes it would have to be Gordon Eastman. He was a pioneer and true conservationist and certainly someone I mold my career after this day.
Which conservation groups do you belong to/support?
RMEF, MDF, NWTF, NRA, YCBHA, Sportsman Alliance, National Deer Alliance
What is one of your most memorable hunting trips?
A moose hunt with my Father, Tim, in Northern B.C for moose with a bow. Not only did I arrow a huge bull at 6 yards, but the trip came at a great time for us, after the passing of my mother Patsy.
In your opinion, which species is the most challenging to hunt?
I think spot and stalk Black Bear hunting is about as tough of a hunt as I will do all year. Lots of time locating and find a good bear then trying to make it up the mountain and take them is hard. You get lucky every now and then but to continue to take quality bears year after year like this is tough.
What is the scariest situation you’ve ever had in the woods? I’ve had a lot of what I would consider scary moments in the woods but the two that stand out to me are having an aggressive sow Black Bear come up my tree in Alberta and running out of food, water, and all my energy on a solo cat hunt in Montana.
In your own words, what does hunting mean to you?
Hunting means more than I could ever really put into words. It’s all part of the natural world around us as stewards of the land. We are part of something far greater than ourselves and it’s our responsibility to look after it all. To hunt and take an animal and bring it home for the family feels so right as an individual, a provider, and a conservationist.