onX Launches Hunt Research Tools for Application Season
The interactive tool helps analyze draw odds, tag trends, harvest statistics and more.
onX Hunt, the industry’s leading GPS hunting app and navigation platform, today announced the launch of onX Hunt Research Tools. onX Hunt Research Tools is an immersive platform designed to help hunters intuitively research and understand draw odds, tag trends, harvest statistics and more so that they can create the best application strategy to reach their goals this season.
At the end of 2022, onX Hunt acquired TopRut, helping Elite Members navigate application season and draw odds across the West. Over the past year, onX has rebuilt that experience, adding more insights and interactive capabilities to better guide hunters at a time when tags are increasingly more difficult to understand and to draw.
“TopRut was built on the industry’s most powerful dataset. We’ve taken that underlying data and rebuilt the user experience, making it more intuitive, immersive, and informative,” said onX Hunt General Manager Cliff Cancelosi. “What was once a spreadsheet, is now like the Airbnb of application season. We’ve made it easier to parse the data and understand what it means for your hunt, directly on the map.”

A “before and after” look at TopRut and Hunt Research Tools
onX Hunt Elite users can search for hunts by species, sex, state, hunt type, method of take, and date range. Interactive sorting helps narrow down the possibilities by draw odds, harvest rate, hunting pressure, and amount of public land in a unit. By clicking into a hunt, users can easily see what that unit’s terrain looks like on the map in high-resolution satellite imagery, in 2D and 3D. They can also assess public and private land opportunities, access points, and roads. For more in-depth mapping, the tool links users directly into their onX Hunt Webmap, with the ability to apply all of the app’s layers and features to each unit for further analysis.
“We wanted to design an application tool that would empower all hunters to discover access and opportunity,” explains Cancelosi. “onX Hunt Research Tools will help out-of-state hunters planning a bucket-list trip and in-state outdoorsmen and women who need a new plan after winterkill affected a herd, a unit changed, or their go-to camp hasn’t produced the same experience as years past. We’ve taken what was once a pretty tedious, confusing, and complicated process and streamlined it, making it more informative and interactive.”

onX Hunt Research Tools Guided Research Process
onX Hunt Elite members can log into Hunt Research Tools and successfully navigate draw odds, tag trends, and harvest statistics to build an application strategy, find overlooked opportunities, and save both time and frustration throughout the application process. For 2024 Hunt Research Tools covers 12 Western states: Oregon, California, Nevada, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Washington, and Alaska. Plans are underway to expand into additional states in the near future.
Hunt Research Tools rounds out onX Hunt’s full suite of application services, including access to Huntin’ Fool and HuntReminder that aid users with boots-on-the-ground knowledge and application reminders.
onX Hunt Research Tools is part of the onX Hunt Elite Membership. The membership includes access to application tools, hunting tactics education, nation-wide mapping, and exclusive pricing on products and services handpicked by the onX Hunt team. To learn more about onX Hunt Elite Membership, visit: onxmaps.com/hunt/app/elite/benefits.
About onX
Founded in 2009, onX is a pioneer in digital outdoor navigation, developing software that helps inform, inspire, and empower outdoor recreationists. onX Hunt, onX Offroad, and onX Backcountry make up the company’s suite of apps that are built by explorers for explorers. Because off-the-beaten-path experiences are at the heart of what onX does, the company also leads initiatives to protect and expand access to public land. Since 2017, onX has worked with various partners to secure and improve public land access through direct funding, and by supporting key legislation with data analysis and research.