Colorado Backcountry Skiing Maps
Interested in backcountry skiing in Colorado? The onX Backcountry App offers maps, route descriptions, ratings, and more for your favorite Colorado backcountry skiing destinations. Explore Beacon Guidebook locations such as Loveland Pass, Berthoud Pass, Silverton, and other ski trails near Breckenridge, Steamboat, Crested Butte, and more!

Popular onX Backcountry Features Skiers Love
See why onX Backcountry is the ultimate GPS navigation app for your outdoor pursuits.

Backcountry Ski Maps & Route Descriptions
onX Backcountry has partnered with Colorado Mountain Club and Beacon Guidebooks to provide unparalleled access to popular backcountry ski routes. With detailed route descriptions, elevation profiles, and the ability to view landscapes in 3D, satellite, topographic maps, or our Hybrid Basemap, identify your next adventure with ease.

View Avalanche Forecasts and Snow Conditions
Be prepared before you head out on your next backcountry skiing adventure. View Avalanche Forecasts directly from the Colorado Avalanche Information Center and on-the-ground Snow Conditions from local SNOTEL stations. Read the full reports and observations, to make safer, more informed decisions with onX Backcountry.

Analyze Slope Aspect
Determine the cardinal direction of the terrain you’ll be riding with onX Backcountry’s Slope Aspect Layer. Use a color-coded compass to evaluate which slopes will experience more sun exposure and wind loading as identified in the avalanche forecast.

Check Out Slope Angles
Avalanche risk depends on many factors, but slope angle plays a critical role. Enable the Slope Angle Layer to view detailed, color-coded data and choose your routes with safety in mind. Take a look at the map above to play around with this Layer.

Observe Avalanche Incidents
Simply zoom in on the zone in Colorado you’re planning to tour to see if a fatal incident or avalanche observation has occurred. Icons will populate and you can click them to populate a card with more information. We’ll update this data weekly so that you can go into your weekend tours with the best knowledge at your fingertips.

No Service? No Problem.
Going to an area with questionable service? With onX Backcountry, you can access saved maps from anywhere. Save maps in your App before you go out, so you can locate yourself in the wild. The GPS in your mobile device works perfectly offline, even when the network is nonexistent, so you can safely find your way back.
Now Partnered With Beacon Guidebooks
onX Backcountry is your new go-to resource when backcountry skiing in Colorado. Now partnered with Beacon Guidebooks to create a first-of-its-kind digital experience that pairs their highly vetted ski lines with our set of critical avalanche safety and navigation information. All in an effort for you to discover your next all-time day on the slopes. Discover in-depth Colorado guidebook ski tours curated by local professionals below.
Zones 17
Routes 108
For nearly one hundred years, skiers and snowboarders have cemented Loveland Pass’s reputation as a backcountry destination by driving up and skiing down. In the 1930’s, early ski area explorers went deeper into the basins surrounding the Pass, …
Learn more about Loveland Pass
Zones 19
Routes 130
Since the 1930s, skiers have been exploring the slopes surrounding US Highway 40 as it climbs and descends Berthoud Pass. This was the former home of one of Colorado’s pioneering ski areas. When it closed, the Pass quickly emerged as the most po…
Learn more about Berthoud Pass
Zones 24
Routes 108
It speaks for itself when it comes to remote and rugged mountain towns of the west. Many mountain ranges do not have a year round maintained road passing through them. The San Juan Mountain Range, from Durango through Silverton and on to Ouray h…
Learn more about Silverton
Zones 21
Routes 119
Cameron Pass provides a unique Colorado backcountry skiing experience. Remote and undeveloped, “Cam Pass” also receives a generous amount of snow each winter; good skiing often extends into May. Colorado State Hwy.14, a well-maintained all-w…
Learn more about Cameron Pass
Zones 18
Routes 83
Legends permeate the mountain culture here, from a postman traversing the Elks high passes during the mining days to a couple of hippies reinventing telemark skiing in Red Lady Bowl. Crested Butte Mountain Resort challenges skiers to hone their …
Learn more about Crested Butte
Zones 22
Routes 107
Buffalo Pass is the mecca for backcountry sled-skiers in the Rockies. Nestled in the Park Range of the Rocky Mountains near Steamboat Springs, it is one of the only places in the world where you can drive 15 minutes from a resort, unload a trail…
Learn more about Buffalo Pass

Try onX Backcountry Free Today
See why onX Backcountry is the ultimate GPS navigation app for your outdoor pursuits. Get access to trip planning tools such as Route Descriptions, Slope Angle, SNOTEL data, Avalanche Forecasts and more. Start your free 7-day onX Backcountry trial today to start exploring.